

My anxiety has been bad lately. That’s probably why I haven’t been updating a lot recently. I was withdrawing from life again. From everything. I’m trying hard to stay afloat but it’s so hard. 

I spend most days fighting tears and nausea. I keep it to myself and keep putting in an act. That one I’ve mastered over the years. The smiles and the laughs that don’t quitr breach the surface. 

I don’t want to be that Reggie. The empty shell of who I am. I want to be genuinely happy about things. So I’m going to try harder. I’m going to reach out more. It will be slow and I probably won’t be able to do it alone and that will be hard. I want to be me though and I want to believe in myself. So I’m going to try my best. 

Keep searching for Fireflies.


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